Olia Fedorova
I don't know who I am, but this is my home
2019 – ongoing

'I know nothing. Except that when I get tired of going, I will stop and raise my flag above the horizon, above the sky and ground. I will know then that now these are my sky and my ground, and it is my home because I brought it with me.' With these words, the artist follows her interpretation of the traditional ceremonial flag raising and making territorial claims by the gesture of planting the flag. Deprived of colors and materiality, and hence belonging to countries and political doctrines the flag acquires a universal symbolic meaning, and a completely new expression is evident on the background of anonymous, but very familiar landscapes. Owing to the absence of any identification, these landscapes belong to everyone. As well as the right to self-determination and a place under one's symbolic flag at the current historical moment, no matter how complicated it may be, is accessible to anyone.