A German word Brüdershaft is known primarily as a name of a toasting tradition – the “Brüdershaft toast” is raised to become closer friends. An artist Vova Vorotnyov offered this word as a name for the art project to problematize the symbolic and political heritage of the German reunification that is approaching its 30th anniversary.

The art project returns the correct spelling of the word (“brü” instead of “bru”) and invites Ukrainian artists to think about the concept of unity for the global community as well as to reflect its meaning for an individual. These concepts are especially relevant for modern Ukraine. The experience of an ongoing war, territories occupation, and citizens convictions restrict finding simple answers to the question of identity and possible unification scenarios. It also makes it harder to find a shared vector for the future of the country. However, can the following issues be considered completely resolved in Germany after 30 years since the reunification? Haven’t there appeared even more complex and controversial questions that encourage seeking the answers outside of the local historical context?

The artworks are displayed in the public space, such as media and advertising platforms, social media, through influencers and native advertising.

Artists capture physical and virtual spaces, where the widest audience receives the maximum amount of information every day.